Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Book Reviewer : Cinjoella

We here at Easy Breezy always keep a keen eye out for great books that our students will love. Our friend Joella is a librarian and full of great information on the best books out there. She often reviews children's books and has been gracious enough to let us share some of her reviews/ideas here on our blog! Her reviews include great ideas on "what to do after reading this book," and let us know "what children can learn from this."Check out her site!  (http://cinjoella.blogspot.com)

Here's some of her latest review: 

"Sometimes kids throw tantrums. Sometimes they are BIG tantrums. This is a story about a little girl who throws a tantrum ALL. DAY. LONG. And she knows it. But she doesn't know what to do about it. But she also knows what it is like when she doesn't throw a tantrum. And sometimes that is the most important thing to know."

What to do after reading this book:
Write down (or draw) all the things that made the little girl upset.
Make a list of what to do when you get upset. Perhaps practice "getting upset" and then trying to tell a grown up why you are upset and try to do something to make you feel better.
Practice using loud and soft voices.
Play an "obey" game. Take turns being the one to tell the other what to do.

What this can do:
Help children understand that sometimes everyone can have a bad day.
Teaches readers what types of behaviors are good or helpful when having a bad day.
Helps readers know that even though they may throw tantrums, their grown ups will always love them. 

1 comment:

  1. This looks so amazing. I can't wait to look through all the materials. This would make teaching Pre-school so much easier. Thank you for making this available to the public.
